Holiday Program In Menindee

Holiday Program In Menindee

The Children were busy over the School Holiday period in Menindee, as the Menindee Cultural and Education Day was held.

The Aboriginal Community Liaison officers partnered with the Remote School Attendance Team and the WINGS Drop In Centre to facilitate this day.

The RSAS teamed up on the day at the Menindee Lakes for youths ages 7 to 12 for a fun day. This included activities such as; fishing, learning of the rich Barkindji Culture, a ride in the Police boat

Education and Activities on Crime Prevention and Identifying Danger as well as a free BBQ lunch.

Cultural Practice:

The Aim for the Cultural and Education Day was for the youth to learn about their Identity and Role in the community.

Especially learning the importance to be positive role model and Peer for the friends and family.

This was important to discuss their role as a cousin, brother, sister and / or friend.

Crime Prevention:

The Aim for Crime Prevention Education and Identifying Danger was important for the youths to learn on how to contact authorities and family, when there is a risk present.

It was also to encourage the youths not to participate in crime or be pressured by family or friends in Criminal Activities.

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