For Government

REDI.E has a long history of working with local, state and federal governments to deliver programs.

Our track record for service delivery speaks for itself. We are a trusted organisation who can be relied upon to put the needs of our clients first.
REDI.E works with many stakeholders to deliver federal and state programs. Each one aims to support and advance indigenous communities.
We are currently prodivers for:
  • Vocational, Training & Employment Centres (VTEC)
  • Community Development Program (CDP)
  • Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS)
  • Languages
  • Indigenous Youth Support
  • Smart and Skilled
REDI.E also works with local governments on other projects such as the provision of labour hire.

A trusted Name in Service Delivery

Our staff live and work in these communities, so we are familiar with the dynamics and issues in the towns. We know the ins and outs, the local services and the organisations on the ground.
We are ingrained in life in these communities.
We have spent years building and consolidating these relationships. We know we are making a difference because we are watching our clients gain meaningful employment, all the time.
We get results because our services are tailored to match the needs of job seekers – and employers – in each region.
Each person who comes through our doors is valued. The people in our communities trust us – and governments trust us to meet their targets.
  • Our work in Closing the Gap takes priority in our organisation. Working to break the cycle of disadvantage forms the basis of our vision and underpins our business goals.

Measuring Performance

We actively measure performance against our quality objectives. We monitor progress and work towards improvements that enable each employee to do their job right the first time, every time.
Audited acquittals, financial reports and progress reports are undertaken for each service delivered.
We then measure our performance against the unique goals for each program – whether that be ensuring participants are meeting the benchmarks for attendance or following the employment outcomes model.
Our performance is also assessed by government officers who regularly visit each location and interview community, businesses and government agencies to determine the effectiveness of results.
Random records and reporting checks are also done during these visits, while the Federal Government’s online reporting tool is also used to measure performance.
Our Executive staff meet with the National Indigenous Australians Agency of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet every Friday morning to discuss any issues.
To ensure the best information flows through to our funders, REDI.E has a reporting system via teleconferencing and email, that ensures the most up-to-date information is shared.
We also conduct internal staff performance appraisals, with reporting to the CEO and Board on a monthly basis, with a complete rundown on how each of the programs are travelling.
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Get qualified with CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services and gain the skills to make a real difference in your community – all with minimal to no cost, eligibility applies. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your future or upskill your team!

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